I am very glad to read such pleasant words from you
Дорогой господин Гринвуд, я - Джим Броун. Мне 9 лет. Имя моей сестры Джил. Ей 7 лет. У нас есть храбрая и добрая собака. Он черный. Его хвостик короткий. Его зовут Рекс. Рексу и мне нравиться играть в парке в футбол. Рекс умён. Он может нести сумку Джил в школу. Утром Джил и Рекс вместе идут в школу. Рекс может
посчитать ручки и карандаши, поёт и танцует. Господин Гринвуд, хотели бы вы увидеть моего Рекса? Джил, я и Рекс хотели бы посетить Зелёную Школу и встретить вас и ваших учеников. Наилучшие пожелания, Джим Браун.
I have a friend. His/her (мальчик/девочка) name is _________ имя. He/she (мальчик/девочка) is _____возраст. He/she is tall/short. (высокий/низкий). He/she has blue/brown/ green (голубые/карие/зеленые) eyes. He/she likes to play computer games, read books and watch TV. We go to school together. In the evening we usually walk in the street. Sometimes he/she helps me to do homework and houswork. he/she is my best friend.
1. the
7.he / it
Listen! An old tune is playing on the radio.
2. Nobody helped Mr. Green while the garage was painting.
3. Mary was </span>having a bath before she <span>called.. by one of her friends yesterday.
4. The accountant is looking sad because the bills wasn't yet
5. He felt sorry when he realized that his stamp collection was stolen.
6. If I were him, I </span>wouldn't<span> treat my father like that. He will be sorry for that in the future.
7. If she saw me, she would get angry
with me, because I had promised to call her out but I didn’t.
8. He was stop smoking since he had a heart attack.
9. As soon as she finished change the baby’s nappy, she had taken the children to school.
10. He said his car is already mended.
11. She said she is opening her first exhibition the following month.
12. Mary and Joe want going to the shore which is sounding like a good idea to me.
13. Hecan't wake up on time unless he </span>wouldn't <span>use an alarm clock.