Do you like tomatoes?
Yes,i do.
Do you like carrots?
Yes,I do
You' re Ted
И так по каждему персонажу что изображено на картинке выбераешь!
Чей тот автомобиль?
Этот автомобиль Арабелла.
Мне не нравится его автомобиль, я недолюбливаю Арабелла
Library is my favorite place. There are many libraries in my town, but I prefer the biggest library – City Library. I love read books, and I read a lot, but I don't have all books, that I would like to read in my house, so I go to the library and read it there. In the library always very quiet and I like that nobody can distract you from reading. The atmosphere in library very comfortable. There are usually very few people. I have have library in my school too, but there you can't sit down, relax and just enjoy reading. So I don't like our school library so much. Library is wonderful place and I always feel like in fable, when I'm there.
Извиняюсь, я на что-то нажала и не дописала текст, вот, сейчас уже готово. Надеюсь, этого достаточно)
Leave, aboard/abroad, pass, fail, exams, married/admirer