1) The most beautiful dress
2) the largest umbrella
3) the longest trousers
4) the dirtiest T-shirt
5) the worst suit
6) shorts are shorter than jeans
7) shoes are smaller than boots
Зэа а фо сизон ин э еа. зэй а винта,сприн,самма энд отам. Дэсэмбар,джэньёри энд фэброри а винта манс.Зе вэза ис колд энд сноуви ин винта. зе дэйс а шот,зе найт а лон. пипол ски,скейт энд слэдж ин винта. чилдрэн плэй хоки энд сноуболс энд мэйк сноумен. Мач,эйприл энд мэй а сприн манс. Сноу мейтс.Бёдс флай бэк фром хот сантрис. Ви кэн си зе фёст флаувэс ин зе фэйлдс энд форестс. Джун,джулай энд огэст а самма манс. Зэ вэзар ис хот энд санни.Зэ дэйс а лон,зэ найт а шот. Чилдрен хэв холидэй энд зэй кэн плэй футбол,басктбол анд бэндминтон(точно не уверенна в этом слове). Зэа а э лот оф флаувэс,бёдс,баттэфлауэс. Септемба,октоуба,новебма а отам манс.зэ вэза ис офэн рэни ,клауди энд кул. Зэ трис а рэд,елоу энд орандж. Бёдс флай эвэй. Чилдрэн гоу ту скул.
2) I have a question. There is something that I cannot understand in this exercise.
3) He can't trust anyone. There is no one who can justify his trust
4) I'm powerless to help you. There's nothing that can change it
5) I know someone who can tell me all the truth.
6) Susan makes a good first impression. She charms everyone so that nobody can ignore her.
7) What was Mrs. Wood talking about? I didn't understand anything that he told
8) I listen to everything that can help me to decide my problem
9) You can believe me. Everything that I know is truth.
10) All of the students are seated. The teacher is the only one who stands.
11) The test we took yesterday was easier than the one which we took the day before yesterday
12) The courses I'm taking this term are more difficult than the ones which I took the previous one.
13) The concert had already begun. Those who had to wait until intermission to be seated.
14) The class was divided in half. Those who were assigned to Section A. Those who were assigned to section b
Can i help help you?
I'd like some red tulips, please
Red or yellow?
Red, please.
Here there are
thank you