<span>I think that sometimes we have too much homework. Teachers and parents think that doing homework helps us to develop the student's ability to work without assistance, or that additional work could help us complete our education successfully. But I believe, in many subjects, homework is totally unnecessary, because it doesn't do me any good. I think it's really stupid to copy from a textbook. Less homework would give more time to take up hobbies and interests. Я написал про то что бы хотел изменить я,если хочешь переделай.</span>
1. for my family
2. for my best friend(имя вставить)
3. for my grandma
4.to the summer camp
5.to sleep
6. to meet friends
One thousand. Eto odna tysyacha
I’m going to tell you about the internet. I think it is a topical question and a part and parcel of our life.
Without a doubt, everyone in our days uses internet regularly. Someone uses it for educational, someone looking up the information, someone playing online games and someone just chat with his friends. As for me, internet-it is your personal assistant, who can help you, when you need, but it also has disadvantages. The biggest one-it is internet addiction. Many teenagers spent a lot of time in the internet, and change their real life, to computer life. I think it is the global problem in our days.
In conclusion i want to say that internet has both minuses and pluses.
African bush elephant (lat. Loxodonta Africana) - one of the species of African elephants, living, as we know by name, in the African savannah. It can be found in the eastern, southern and western Africa. The populations today have between 470 to 690 thousand individuals and get into the section of the Red Book, as a vulnerable species. Elephants are hunted for valuable ivory and meat, and it is threatened because of the loss of natural habitat areas.