1. индюк, 2. сойка, 3. гриф, 4. трясогузка, 5. скворец, 6. куропатка, 7. грач, 8. дятел, 9. вертишейка, 10. ворон, 11. канарейка, 12. колибри, 13. перепел, 14. голубка, 15. ворона. 16. фламинго, 17. чиж, 18. альбатрос, 19. гусь, 20. павлин, 21. малиновка, 22. лебедь, 23. ласточка, 24. ястреб, 25. аист.
1. дрозд, 2. галка, 3. орёл, 3. воробей, 5. коршун, 6. попугай, 7. страус, 8. пеликан, 9. цапля, 10. соловей, 11. кукушка, 12. сорока, 13. бекас, 14. голубь, 15. клёст, 16. сокол, 17. крапивник, 18. синица, 19. чайка, 20. утка, 21. журавль, 22. стриж, 23. жаворонок, 24. сова, 25. пингвин.
birds crossword
Не легче написать в переводчике и перевести
<span><span>Pupils have to be at school by 8.50 </span>Ученики должны быть в школе в 8.50</span>
<span>Pupils have to be tidy. Ученики должны быть аккуратны</span>
<span>Pupils have to get permission to go home at …. (слово не понятное)time. Ученики должны получить разрешение идти домой в ..?..время.</span>
<span>Parents have to tell the form teacher if their child is ill. Родители должны сообщать классному руководителю если
их ребенок болен.</span>
<span>Teachers have to care about pupils’ safety. Учителя должны заботиться о безопасности учеников.</span>
<span>A form teacher has to check homework diaries every week. Классный руководитель должен проверять дневники каждую
<span>A form teacher has to teach pupils safety rules. Классный руководитель должен обучать учащихся правилам
1. I go to school every day
I don`t go to school every day
Do I go to school every day?
I went to school yesterday
I didn`t go to school yesterday
Did I go to school yesterday?
I`m going to school now
I`m not going to school now
Am I going to school now?
2. He plays the piano on Sundays
He doesn`t play the piano on Sundays
Does he play the piano on Sundays?
He played the piano 2 days ago
He didn`t play the piano 2 days ago
Did he play the piano 2 days ago?
He is playing the piano at the moment
He isn`t playing the piano at the moment
Is he playing the piano at the moment?
Надеюсь, сейчас мой ответ не удалит модератор?
Spider-Man (English Spider-Man), real name Peter Parker (born Peter Parker) - a fictional character, a superhero comic book publisher Marvel Comics, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Since its first appearance in the pages of comic book Amazing Fantasy № 15 (Russian Amazing Fantasy, August 1962), he became one of the most popular superheroes. Lee and Ditko conceived of the character as a teenage orphan, brought up his uncle and aunt, combining life of the average student and a fighter against crime.Spider-Man got superpowers, increased agility, "spider-sense", and the ability to stay on vertical surfaces and produce a web of hands with the instrument of his own invention.Before the appearance of Spider-Man in the 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually only their assistants. Comics of Spider-Man broke the stereotypes by presenting a lone hero teen rejected by many peers [3], which did not have an experienced mentor as Bucky in Captain America or Batman with Robin. After the death of his Uncle Ben, he had to learn on their own, that "with great power comes great responsibility."<span>Marvel Comics has released a set of episodes of Spider-Man, the earliest of which was The Amazing Spider-Man (Rus Amazing Spider-Man), continues to this day. Over the years, Peter Parker was a shy high school student, a troubled college student, then a married teacher and a member of several teams of superheroes such as the Avengers, the New Avengers, the Fantastic Four. The most typical way of life of Peter Parker is Spider-Man is the image of an independent photographer, used in the comics over the years.</span>