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aperitif – аперитив
wine list – карта вин
appetizer – закуска
cold platter – холодные закуски
the main course – основное блюдо
the first course – первое блюдо
dessert – десерт
It is very difficult question for me but I think I will be a vet.
I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them. I think it is not easy, to treat cats and dogs but I will try to became an exellent vet. I hate people who torture animals. I think they are heartless, brutal, selfish and cruel. Also I want to improve conditions in vet-clinics. Animals need high quality food andmedicine. I want to help homeless pets too. I will buy feed for them and I will do many other things for animals. I try to learn biology well because I now this is the main subject for doctors and vets.
1. Это говорит "я студент" на гэльском языке. откуда гэльский язык? - Шотландия
2. Посмотрите на эти фразы. Они на английском. - Нет они на уэльском.
3. 600 тысяч людей говорят на уэльском. Это обязательно в школах в Уэльсе.
4. Английский это англосаксонский язык. На сколько стар он?
5. Шотландцы и валлийцы говорят на английском с разными акцентами. Эти акценты отличаются на севере и юге Англии?
6. Лондон многонациональный город. Какое количество языков в Лондоне?
My favourite literary character is little red riding hood the main character of the fairy tale Charles Pen " Little Red riding hood". This is a little girl that my mother sent to her grandmother, but she was not lucky because she met an evil and treacherous wolf. I liked it very much because it is kind and good. In my opinion she is very brave, she was not afraid to go by myself through the woods. In my opinion, it is an example for children. I was really worried when the wolf the grandma. Especially when he swallowed little red riding hood. And I was very happy that it ended well. I am happy to read this story more than once!
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