Hello Simon
Hello Jii
Simon:How are you
Jii: I am fine thanks and you
Simon: I am fine thanks.
Jii: May I visit you?
Simon: Yes, of course
Jii: buy buy!
Simon: buy buy!
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You know, I love our Moscow. Because I think, it's very beautiful and old. We have great history and it famous all over the world. So, where is Moscow? This is very easy question. It is located in the center of European part of Russia. And Russia, located on the mainland of Eurasia. Quite an interesting question about our weather... Well, we have sunny summer, but it often rains. When winter come, we have a terrible cold weather, but we have a lots of snow on the streets. So, we can make snowman or play snowbals, it really cool. But our autumn is really beautiful and colorful. When the leaves are falling, covering the ground a huge carpet. Well, I love our city. Because it so great, popular, beautiful and cute.
My favourite holiday is New Year. I like it because everything becomes magical, shiny and everybody is happy. We usually decorate our Christmas tree with some beautiful toys. The table is usually fantastic:a lot of salads, drinks, and main dishes are preparer so tasty. I also like to give and to get presents for this holiday. I think new year is a holiday which should be selebrated in every family
<span>1 How is ’routine’ usually seen nowadays?
2 What world do we live in?
3 What should we do </span>before joining the 24-hour revolution?<span>
4 Where do </span>we have a ’body clock’?<span>
5 What does our "body clock" control?
6 What can ignoring our body clock lead to?
7 What can lead to serious health problems?
8 What happens when we are trying to outsmart our body clocks?
9 What society </span><span>were we not designed to be members of</span><span>
10 </span>What keeps our body clocks ticking rhythmically?
11 What <span>may well save our life in the long run?</span><span>