1.It must be broken.
2.It could be a fox.
3.It can’t be James because he has blond hair.
4.It might be in the car or it could be at Tom’s house.
5.It can’t be a ghost, it must be your little brother.
What you did yesterday?
When you do washing up?
Where your were mounther yesterday?
Прости только 3 времени нет
I love your city!!!I am now in Russia, and terribly miss Donetsk!!!This
is the most beautiful,the most exciting city in the world!!I have a week
dreaming as I walk through the most loved places of the city,naberejnoi
area in the Park......you can list forever!!!I was even in school
wanted!!!What a child driven!!Hello to all fellow countrymen!!!I love
Порада в чомусь
по русски не знаю как
One day i was teld the followed story. An American in London was sightseeing. He was teken around the city by a guide and went showen much interesting builders.
Сорьки, дальши не знаю што делать )))