1 patients
2 reception
3 receptionist
4 school
5 nurses
<span>Яка країна були вовки приніс в парк з</span>
Ответ: 1. Who built this sculpture?
2. When sculpture has built?
3. How many years spent to build this sculpture?
4. Who is the main character of the sculpture?
5. Where sculpture located?
6. Why is this dog given a sculpture? Can you tell a story about it.
7. Why people decide to built it?
Объяснение: с фантазией у меня плохо, но я бы задала такие вопросы :(
Литл майс, литл майс! Воулд ю лайк а пис оф айс? Ви воулд лайк а пис оф чиз. Ес, плиз