Did I fed my dog?
When did I fed my dog ang then walk it?
Who did fed my dog?
Did I fed my dog and then walk it or play with it?
I ussually fed my djg and then walk it, didn t I?
My mother's birthday is on the first of June.
My father and I always get up earlier than mother on that day.
We clean the house,do shopping and of course we buy flowers and a present for her.
we do not let her do anything on this day.
Early in the morning when mum is still in bed we put the flowers near her bed.
We always have a lot of guests on her bithday.
My mother wears he best dress and of course she is very beautiful.
We sing her "Happy birthday to you" and have a lot of fun with our dearly loved mother and guests.
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Language is the heart, the soul of a nation.
For me, my native language is the most precious treasure, because my language is a part of me, it helps to live and to keep our customs.
Language is the greatest thing ever invented, it is the best way of communication, through it people can express their feelings, emotions, thoughts and views, we can understand each other.I cannot image a nation without its mother tongue, because it represents the national identify of a country, it reflects soul, behaviour and temperament of each nationality.
We must keep our native language alive and cherish it, because language is the road map of a culture, it tells you where its people come from and where they are going.