I see Polly. She is fine. She is happy. She is good.
I see Nick. He is little. He is sad.
5. Maria has not made a full recovery, as her nose is runny and her voice is still hoarse. - Мария еще не выздоровела полностью, так как у нее насморк и все еще хриплый голос.
6. I think I’ve developed an allergic reaction to something I ate; my skin is really itchy. - Думаю, у меня появилась аллергическая реакция на что-то, что я съел; моя кожа очень зудит.
7. John was vomiting all night. He must have a stomach bug
. - Джон всю ночь страдал рвотой. Должно быть, у него расстройство желудка.
8. My nose is runny. I need to blow it. - У меня насморк. Мне нужно высморкаться.
9. Bill’s grandfather has just had a heart attack. - У дедушки Билли только что случился сердечный приступ.
10. Simon found himself faced with agonizing decision. - Саймон оказался перед лицом мучительного выбора.
11. Joe’s fingers were so frostbitten so he was unable to move them. - Джо так отморозил пальцы, что не мог ими пошевелить.
12. Yesterday my brother had a high temperature, but today he’s got a slight one. - Вчера у меня брата была высокая температура, но сегодня она не такая высокая.
I feel happy today for many reasons..
I'm happy because my family is here.
I'm happy because my friends always with me.
I'm happy because the weather is good today.
I'm happy because there is no war.
2. pessimistic 3. confused 4. excited 5. lonely 6. calm
1) WHAT DO YOU DO TOGETHER WITH YOUR FAMILY? Hello, my name is... I want to tell you about what I do with my family. My family is small/big. We love to spend time together. My mom loves to cook and I often help her. She sets a good example for me. Once a week my dad and I go to the gym. He shows me how to do the right exercises. In sport I am learning to overcome difficulties.
Если ещё нужно написать про брата или сестру то вот
My little/ big brother/sister loves to watch films. We usually watch and discuss the film together. In this way we understand the film's plot.
2) WHY DOES WORK TOGETHER MAKE FAMILY STRONGER? I think that work together makes family stronger because veryone learns to understand each other. We communicate with our family every day. These are the people who will always help you and overcome all the difficulties with you.