В среду после обеда 30 октября rangoon прошел через пролив малака который разделяет остров суматра от малазии. прекрасные небольшие острова с их горной местностью скрывали обзор суматры от пасажиров. в 4 часа на следующие утро рангун прибыл на пол дня раньше чем обычно. остановился в сингапуре взять побольше угля. мистр фог зделал запись в свой блокнот и пошел зделать небольшую прогулку.фикс который портил все дела фога последовал незаметно за ним. паспорту который был доволен видеть что он делает это пошел купить кое какие фрукты. двумя часами позже после наслаждения от прогулки между деревьями и холмами мистр фог вернулся в город и в 10 часов был на борту лодки c детективом которы неупускал его из виду. в 11 часов рангун покинул сингапур
Mum bought a cake and nine candles.
Thomas got presents from his friends.
The all are sitting at the table.
1 the cat went out to play and met there with the dog,the dog hurt killed but the cat was sorry and she started to make friends with him and they became best friends.Okazivaetca the dog has lost the owner
The teaching profession is a very difficult job. After all, it is associated with high concentration and constant nervous tension. For the successful organization of labor, it is important to perform all stages: Planning the educational process. Every evening the teacher plans the lessons of the next day. He carefully prepares the material for its successful presentation. Psychological approach. Every teacher is a great psychoanalyst. He knows how to navigate the situation and make quick decisions. Every teacher should be fluent in public speaking. If you do not know how to loudly convey the idea to the audience, then your subject simply will not know. If no one has learned the subject, it is the teacher's fault. The teacher should be free to navigate in their field of knowledge. He is also a historian, biologist, economist, etc. it All depends on what subject he leads. For primary school teachers, special attention is paid to the ability to get along with children. This is taught in universities and schools. Do not choose this specialization, if you are not ready for the fact that children do not listen and talk in the classroom. For the teacher of Junior classes it is important to gain the trust of students and prove their authority. Scientific activity. Preparation for lessons is a constant search for information. It is necessary in order to interest children and give them something new. Justice characterizes a good teacher. You should be able to evaluate students ' knowledge based on the results of their activities, and not on the behavior in the classroom and outside of them. All this and even more is included in the idea of the teacher's profession. It is a hard psychological, mental and physical work that is necessary for humanity.
Its an arms
its a feet
its a leg
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