Вчера был очень солнечный и хороший день. Я встала умылась почистила зубы быстро позавтракала и пошла гулять.Я гуляла со своими лучшими друзьями. Я прогуляла так целый день. Было очень весело мы даже пошли в поход. Я была очень рада ведь это был первый поход в моей жизни. Когда я вернулась домой я поужинала м улеглась спать. Я спала очень крепко, а сейчас я с радостью вспоминаю этот день.
Duck [duk] утка
eye [ея] гдаз
Now I am going to talk about my dog.Actually my dog has spots. My dog is my friend and we try to spend our free time very funny. My dog is very lazy. he also likes my little kitten and likes play with him. When I saw him at the market I liked him and wanted nurture him. So finally I decided to buy him, I did it. Firstly he didn't want communicate with me however after sometimes he accomodated. When he came our home I didn't know how to fed him. Because he was very little. Year by year he became stronger and bigger then I expected. Now he is the happiest dog in the world. Because he has a kind friend like me and we achieve the goals with him together forever. He became our family member. Especially I am very happy that I have brother like him too.