1my mother's son. 2her mother's profession. 3training course of first-year students. 4employer's company 5my brother's teachers 6departments of the College 7Bess room
1. индюк, 2. сойка, 3. гриф, 4. трясогузка, 5. скворец, 6. куропатка, 7. грач, 8. дятел, 9. вертишейка, 10. ворон, 11. канарейка, 12. колибри, 13. перепел, 14. голубка, 15. ворона. 16. фламинго, 17. чиж, 18. альбатрос, 19. гусь, 20. павлин, 21. малиновка, 22. лебедь, 23. ласточка, 24. ястреб, 25. аист.
1. дрозд, 2. галка, 3. орёл, 3. воробей, 5. коршун, 6. попугай, 7. страус, 8. пеликан, 9. цапля, 10. соловей, 11. кукушка, 12. сорока, 13. бекас, 14. голубь, 15. клёст, 16. сокол, 17. крапивник, 18. синица, 19. чайка, 20. утка, 21. журавль, 22. стриж, 23. жаворонок, 24. сова, 25. пингвин.
birds crossword
Was Alexander Pushkin born in Moscow on 6th June 1799? Общий
Who taught him all about Russian folktales and traditions? Вопрос к подлежащему
He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 and published his first poem at 15, didn’t he? Разделительный
Was his work very similar or different from the other writers at the time? Альтернативный
How old was Alexander Pushkin when he died? Специальный
1 He isn’t tall enough to get an apple from the tree.
2 The soil isn’t wet enough for the flowers to grow.
3 The trousers aren’t long enough for the boy.
4 The bench isn’t low enough for the child to climb on it.
5 The child isn’t strong enough to carry this box.
6 The hotel isn’t comfortable enough to stay at it.