Is the frog green? (Лягушка зеленая?)
Does the frog swim? (Лягушка плавает?)
Does mum play with his friend? (Мама играет с его другом?)
Is mum his friend? (Мама - его друг?)
Does the cat like the house? (Коту нравится дом?)
Is the cat in the house? (Кот в доме?)
Is the house old? (Дом старый?)
Does dad take the old bag? (Папа взял старую сумку?)
Is Anton at the Zoo? (Антон в зоопарке?)
Does Anton run at the Zoo? (Антон бегает в зоопарке?)
Yes, I do. I work in the LBS , this what mean <span>the labor</span><span> </span><span>force</span><span> </span><span>students</span>. I work there with June. Salary 9 000 rub for mounth. I've got a new friends with which I work. Here fun. After work day we always go for a walk. But bad that we need wake up at 6:00 AM, because we have to be in house LBS about 7:10 AM.
Мать и отец Кэролайн-архитекторы. Их около 50. Они любят древние русские церкви, и часто ездят в Россию. Они посещают большие города и маленькие поселки. Они настоящие специалисты и много знают. Мать Кэролайн зовут Дебби. Она высокая женщина, стройная и светловолосая. Ее мужа зовут Питер. Он худой и темноволосый. Он очень храбрый. Они были женаты 25 лет и являются настоящими друзьями.
How to make friends at a new school?
Making new friends can be difficult, but it is possible. First of all, when you come to the classroom, give a smile to everybody and say “hello”. In general, pupils like to talk about their hobbies or discuss films. So you can tell them about your favourite actors, movies, hobbies and interests. You should be natural. Also you may ask questions to start a conversation or make a compliment. You can invite pupils to go to the café or to the cinema. If you like sport games, you can make a sport team. It is the best way to make friends.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.