1 in
2 on
3 next
4 before
5 не помню как то эбав
6 beetwen
7 on
8 on
9 yt pyf.
10 in
Обратите степени сравнения прилагательных good, cold, strong, easy, happy, wonderful, nia, hot, bag, famous, beautiful, tall.
Андрей Владимиров...
good- better -best
cold - colder- coldest
strong -stronger- strongest
easy -easier- easiest
happy- happier- happiest
wonderful -more wonderful - the most wonderful
hot- hotter- hottest
near -nearer -nearest
famous- more famous -the most famous
beautiful -more beautiful- the most beautiful
tall- taller- tallest
1)is eating
2)have you been
3)has gone
5)are writing .