1. Is Steven playing
2. Is studying
3. Do you go
4. Exercise
5. Needs
6. Does she want
7. Am looking
8. Do you know
9. Think
10. Do you play
11. Am going
12. Cleans
13. Understand
14. Cooks
15. Is visiting
1 am writing
2 helps
3 is dancing
4 are eating
5 reads
6 is playing
7 am sitting
8 go
9 are having
10 is listening
red spot
<span>Family buy new room. room is very clean and bright but on the wall was big red spot. family try to clean it but nothing happened.after that red spot taped walls papers but spot tread through the walls papers. and each night some one died.and spot after each death was even brighter</span>
Breakfast time is between seven and nine a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of juice, porridge, a rasher or two of bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. Many people like to begin with porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but no good Scotsman ever puts sugar on it, because Scotland is the home of porridge. For a change you can have sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, cold ham or perhaps fish.Время завтрака — между семью и девятью утра. Традиционный английский завтрак — очень плотное блюдо. Он состоит из сока, овсянки, ломтика или двух бекона, яиц, тоста, масла, джема или мармелада, чая или кофе. Мармелад делается из апельсинов, джем — из других фруктов. Многие люди любят начать с овсянки с молоком или сливками и сахаром, но настоящий шотландец никогда не кладет сахар в овсянку. Шотландия — это родина овсянки. Для
<span>разнообразия, вы можете взять колбасу, помидоры, грибы, холодную ветчину и, возможно, рыбу.</span>