1 Did you like it their?
2 What about you?
3 Was it boring?
4 Do you miss all that?
1. good
2. join
3. fun
4. play
5. costumes
6. meetings
We was skiing in the Alps when we saw an avalanche
We saw an avalanche while we was skiing in the Alps
They was watching the news when the lights went out
The lights went out while they was watching the news
People was sleeping when the wildfire arrived
The wildfire arrived while people was sleeping
I was going the exercise when the class finished
The class finished while I was going the exercise
Aa [ ei ] [эй] Nn [ en ] [эн]
Bb [ bi: ] [би] Oo [ ou ] [оу]
Cc [ si: ] [си] Pp [ pi: ] [пи]
Dd [ di: ] [ди] Qq [ kju: ] [кью]
Ee [ i: ] [и] Rr [ a: ] [а:, ар]
Ff [ ef ] [эф] Ss [ es ] [эс]
Gg [ dʒi: ] [джи] Tt [ ti: ] [ти]
Hh [ eitʃ ] [эйч] Uu [ ju: ] [ю]
Ii [ ai ] [ай] Vv [ vi: ] [ви]
Jj [ dʒei ] [джей] Ww [ `dʌbl `ju: ] [дабл-ю]
Kk [ kei ] [кей] Xx [ eks ] [экс]
Ll [ el ] [эл] Yy [ wai ] [уай]
Mm [ em ] [эм] Zz [ zed / ziː] [зед / зи]
Вот гласные отдельно:
A (ā) [eı] [æ]
E (ē) [i:][ɛ]
I (ī) [ɪ][aɪ]
O (ō) [ou][ɔɪ] [ɒ]
U (ū) [ju: ][ʌ][eə] [ʊə] [əʊ] [aʊ]