3:35 - thirty-five past three
19:44 - forty-four past nineteen
13:29 - twenty-nine past thirteen
9:12 - twelve past nine
8:13 - thirteen past eight
10:08 - eight past ten
6:37 - thirty-seven past six
Exciting adj (adjective), fabulous adj (adjective), win v (verb), night-club n (noun), surf v (verb), delight n (noun), relax v (verb), enjoy v (verb), preserve v (verb), pool n (noun), luscious adj (adjective), tropical adj (adjective), magnificent adj (adjective), Opera n (noun), show v (verb), wildlife park n (noun), theatre n (noun), island n (noun)
Scotland is a beautiful country. 2. There are a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers. 3. They are famous for its history. 4. One of them is Ben Nevis. 5. There are two famous lakes Loch Ness and Loch Lomond. 6. In Scotland 6 million people. 7. Glasgow on the Clyde.8. The flag of Scotland is white and blue. 9.edinburg is the capital of Scotland , in Scotland most famous sports are golf football
Володимир, хоча традиційно прийнято будувати як сухий на початку 12х століття, був закріплений 1) приблизно 25000 років. Це був один із середньовічних столиць Росії, а три його будівлі - об'єкти всесвітньої спадщини, в середині 12 по 13 ст, Володимир користувався раннім величезним зростанням і процвітання, 3) тривав до вторгнення монголів до Росії. Після монголів, Мадімір повністю повернув своє колишнє значення і пішов 5) занепаду. Сьогодні місто є значним туристичним центром з багатьма чудовими японцями. 6) домонгольська російська архітектура. Будинки всесвітньої спадщини в місті 70 - чудовий 5-купольний Успенський собор, собор Св. Димитрія та чудові Золоті ворота.
Cartoon is very beautiful, stunning pictures of Atlantis, the first shots are fascinating - on the huge fish rushing Atlanta pursued an ocean wave ...very well-matched the characters! a lot of humor, a lot of philosophy - and yet very lively cartoon! it is not for children, sometimes a tragedy of the heroes need to think - when the crew dies, the doctor sends a candle in the sea, and all silent. Helga was a pity that yet to avenge his death last shot. It hurts when Milo shouted to friends, Are you also are corrupt, they are willing to kill and condemn to death? and strong point, naturally, when the team went on its side under the motto "though we love money, but not enough to give the killed an entire civilization."Of course, the Atlanteans have presented a very vibrant, colorful - white hair, dark skin ... no less colorful characters from "Team Earth" - a huge good-natured doctor, bookworm with a big heart Milo, crumpet-beautiful Audrey, who like a real mechanic repairs engines, Georgian demolition Winnie, manages to go with a cart of dynamite and light up))), telegraph, which chatters with his girlfriend when the ship sinks) and a strange French - brilliant digger - who manages to annoy all the girls and achieve their full hostility to its stunning person )))drawing technique is very beautiful - and this movie looks amazing and adults too. I shook the colors used by the artists and drawing equipment - like something like "Hercules" and the like - "The Lion King." In any case, it's a cartoon, which then with a sense of dignity you show friends and children, and to see who pulls)