May I ask you an advice
may i take the newspaper
may i buy this magazine
may i eat some turkey
may i have some nuts?
Present Simple Passive - простое настоящее время в пассивном состоянии.
Noun/pronoun+am/is/are+Verb в 3 форме. - схема построения предложения в Present Simple Passive
I want to become a cynologist in the future .It's very hard need to make an effort for this work.cynologist trains dogs.i found of dogs so much and that is why I want to became cynologist.I shall try hard to become a cynologist
She take me his Iphone
They say that he didn't have my book
He have Samsung Tv
He see shark in the sea
Were walking, saw , was passing, recognized, was, were, had, decided, heard , said, was going, saw