1. I don't mind that you go to party with you friend.
2.I saw that you dance with my brother.
3.I like when my friends speak true.
4.Mother doesn't true that Lisa wear mother's shoes.
Перевод слова кувшин на английском языке - a jug)
Там всё изи, берёшь и решаешь, я за 5 минут бы сделал
РУСС.ЯЗ:Я очень люблю рисовать . И это мне очень нравиться . Я рисую каждый день . некоторые свои работы я показываю друзьям . И им это нравиться
АНГЛ.ЯЗ:I love to draw. And what I really like. I paint every day. some of my work I show friends. And they like it.
1.When I came home, my sister was sleeping.
2.l was sleeping before he came.
4.He got up,took food, cleaned teeth and went to work.
5.I know now, he has already read a book.