We are working with Brian at the moment, recording a new album. — Мы сейчас работаем с Брайном, записываем новый альбом.
The kettle is boling. Can you turn it off? — Чайник закипает. Ты не мог бы его выключить?
I don’t know where we are going. — Я не знаю, куда мы идем.
Listen! He is singing. — Послушай! Он поет.
Look! Somebody is climbing up the tree. — Смотри! Кто-то взбирается на дерево.Is Mr. Brawn working this week? No, he is on holidays. — Мистер Браун работает на этой неделе? Нет, он в отпуске.
She is taking dancing classes currently. — В настоящий момент она на уроках танца.
Population is increasing about 3 \% per year. — Население увеличивается около 3 \% в год.
His English is becoming better and better. — Его английский становится все лучше и лучше.If I am sleeping when you call, my mother will wake me up. — Если я буду спать, когда ты позвонишь, то мама меня разбудит.
When he is dancing tomorrow, you will be free. - Когда он завтра будет танцевать, ты будешь свободен.He is forever making comments about my weight. — Он всегда комментирует мой вес.
You are constantly looking for faults. — Ты постоянно ищешь недостатки.
Mr Stone is always grumbling. — Мистер Стоун всегда (вечно) ворчит.
<span>My brother is too often breaking something. — Мой брат слишком часто что-нибудь ломает</span>
Деловой центр Лондона называется Сити
1 - Is mrs White a teacher?
2- Is her pen red?
3- Is she happy?
4- Are they students?
5- Is it cold today?
1- What is it?
2- When is my birthday?
3- Who is my favoutite actor?
4- Where are my keys?
5- How old is Mike?
1- She is a student, isn't she?
2- They aren't doctors, are they?
3- Mary is 20, isn't she?
4- Paul and Sue aren't teachers, are they?
5- John is tall, isn't he?
Have you ever been too tired to go out?
Were you hungry enough to have a big breakfast?
Are you strong enough to carry a friend?
Is your sports team good enough to win the league?
Is your house big enough to have a party?