<span>Hi, Fred! </span>
<span>OK. </span>
<span>Let’s go to the park. </span>
<span>It is sunny. </span>
<span>OK. </span>
Невероятный Паучек!
Автор: Анна Смит.
Питер Паркер был спокойным
подростком. Он жил в маленьком доме в НьюЙорке со своей тётей Мери. У
Питера было мало друзей. Его лучшая подруга, Мери Джейн, жила по
соседству. Однажды паук укусил Питера в научной лаборатории. Теперь он
обладает специальными способностями! Он сильный и быстрый и умеет лазать
по стенам, прямо как паук! Люди любят его, но его враг, злой Зелёный
Гоблин, Уже следует за ним. Сможет ли Человек-Паук остановить его?
Посмотрите этот изумительный (превосходный) фильм, чтобы это выяснить!
How does he go to school every day?
What does his mother do?
William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the world. His plays “Romeo and Juliet“, “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark“, “King Lear“,“Macbeth”were translated into almost every language and staged in every theatre. He described the characters and feelings, which can be called international and living forever.
<span>Great Britain made а great contribution to the science, literature, music and arts of the world. It gave mankind а lot of outstanding scientists, writers and poets, musicians and painters. Thomas More, who lived in the 15th century was an outstanding humanist, scientist and statesman.
</span>Great Britain has also given the world many outstanding scientists. Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin was born in Scotland. He spent his working hours almost entirely in hospitals and laboratories. His discovery of penicillin did more to help suffering people than anything else for centuries. When he died in 1955 his old friend said: “ by his work he relieved more 1ng than any other living man“.<span>