I saw that everybody had aldery gone - я увидел, что все уже ушли
When had the telephone rang? - когда зазвонил телефон?
We had been working Hard and managed to finish the project in time - Мы упорно работали и смогли завершить проект вовремя
Past Perfect Contin
He left very tired When He came home as He had been playing volleyball-он чувствовал себя очень усталым, когда пришёл домой, так как играл в волейбол
Misha saw an incredible animal that had been chasing him - Миша увидел невероятнoе животное, которое преследовало его.
The darkness of the sky had not been alarming about the coming sunrise- Темнота небо не предвещалa Скорый рассвет.
1) Will they <span>divide the bill into two equal parts?
2) </span><span>They will divide the bill into two equal parts, wiil not they?
3) Who will </span>divide the bill into two equal parts?
4) Will they divide the bill into two equal parts or into three equal parts?
5) What will they divide into two equal parts?
What is you favourite season/Какое твое любимое время года?
When does your school year begin?/Где начался твой школьный год?
What holiday do we celebrate in December?/Какойц праздник мы празднуем в Декабре?
What is the coldest season in the year?/Какой самое холодное время года?
<span> When can you go to the beach?/Когда ты пойдешь на пляж?
When can you slate slo..незнаю что тут. Удачи)</span>
The story - a fairy tale "The Little Prince " by French writer Antoine de Saint- Exupery tells the reader about a little boy who in his own way , quite unusual sees the world . Only the little prince became friends with a snake , fox and the pilot. Snake promised to help him when he bitterly regret his planet . Fox had taught him to make friends, said the prince , that " one can see rightly only with the heart - the most important thing the eyes can not see ." Little prince decides to return to his flower - because he taught her a rose , and according to Fox , " we are responsible for those who have tamed ." The Little Prince - the main hero of the tale , a parable , who flew with his little planet Earth. In Little Prince his world , so a clash with the adult world he creates a lot of questions and bewilderment . I liked that you can read endlessly and each time learn many new things and interesting
Yes, I had problems with my friends. Sometimes they lied to me. One of my friends moved to another town and we lost connection. Anther friend betrayed me. And also i had a friend who was talking behind my back. I think being a gook friend is a really hard work