Тоже самое что и прошлого то есть котяры
Если только первое, то gone
It's a car
it's a picture
it's a house
it's a bird
it's a bus
1.Pupils <span> and teachers gathered on the Playground.
</span>2.The teacher's form was installed in the school
3.The parents came to a meeting at a certain time
4.Russian language teacher decided to hold an open lesson for parents
1)The development of the serum was influenced by the workcarried out in the usa
2)The patient was injected with morphine.
3)the insideof lungs is inspected by using the doctor a bronchoscope/
4)He was arreted for the misuse of drugs
5)The patient is being reffered to a consultunt by them.
6)Traces of the dtug were found in the blood sample by the lab
7)the artery was blocked by the blood clot.
8)Supplied of Drinking water were contiminated by the refuse from the factories.
9)High proportion of cancers was treated by surgery
10)His toes would be ampulated if gangrene sets in
11)he was banned by hisdocor for drinking alchogol
12)The patioents sometimes are hypnotized by their doctors
13)A new procedure for dealing wih parkinsons disease was developed
14)the solution should be heat to 25
15)He was ejected by the police of his medical record