Health is one of the most important things in the people's life. To be healthy people should avoid drinking alcohol, eating fast food, smoking. People should eat a lot of organic food. Organic food is the products which people grown by themself. Also people should do exercise every day. It can help people to become healthy and strong. Many doctors advise to go to the bad early. By the way, people should move a lot. Because if they sit a whole day, they will get a back problems. And they can getting fat. <span>And the last advice is that people should to go for a walk as much as possible.</span>
1) привет! как дела?
2) привет! хорошо, что ты делаешь?
1)делаю подарки на рождество, а ты?
2)я тоже. А что ты хочешь на рождество?
1)я хочу себе на рождество много- много сладких конфет. а ты?
2)я думаю хочу себе новые лыжи.
1) круто!!!!
1.(k) (ts) (s)
Africa China circle
coat kitchen mice
clothes chips
2) Нужно читать
3) I'm nine years old.
We are fro Russia
You're from London
He's from USA
She is from Australia
They are good friends.
16 had been cleaning
17 had prepared
18 hadn't seen
19 hadn't gone
20 had been studying
A fox is a carnivorous animal, related to the dog family. It is found in brown, black, silver and grey colours. It has four legs with black paws, two large erect ears, strong claws and a bushy tail. It has beautiful shiny fur. It has very good sense of smell and hearing. It is mostly active at night. It lives in burrow. The foxes eat rodents, fruit, berries, rabbits, snakes, fish, birds, eggs, beetles and insects. Their average life span is 5 years.
Лисиця — м’ясоїдна тварина, пов’язане з собачої сім’єю. Вона може бути коричневого, чорного, сріблястого і сірого кольору. Вона має чотири ноги з чорними лапами, два великих вуха, сильні кігті і густий хвіст. Вона має гарне блискуче хутро. У неї дуже гарний нюх і слух. Вона в основному активна вночі. Вона живе в норі. Лисиці харчуються гризунами, фруктами, ягодами, кроликами, зміями, рибою, птахами, яйцями, жуками і комахами. Їх середня тривалість життя становить 5 років.