Пишется: Fourteen
Говорится: |fɔːˈtiːn|
1.If she had not drunk coffee late at right, she would have been able to sleep.
2.If Joe got up earlier, he would get to institute on time
3.If the sound were not so loud, she wouldn't be so nervous.
4.If he had not left the door open, his cat wouldn't have eaten the fish.
5.If he had asked politely, they might have helped him.
6.If you look everywhere for your passport, you will find it.
7.If the child had not fallen, he wouldn't have burst into tears.
<span>8.The car will start if you turn the key.</span>
Fire destroyed the entire city
Many people attended the lecture.
They will publish the book in spring
Mr Smith taught the class
A french engineer designed it
<span>the students of the first course always read this book
They left the letter on the table
Lightning struck the house
Everyone heard the cries of the child
<span><span><span>1) I knew that in the past the computer mouse looked different from what it looks now.
</span><span>2) I knew that first televisions were black and white.
</span><span>3) I knew that first TV's had few channels.
</span>4) I knew that </span><span><span>in the past TV screens were very small.
</span><span>5) I do not understand how the first computer mouse was manipulated.
</span>6) The stages of </span><span><span>the computer mouse development.
</span><span>7) The history of invention of the TV.
</span><span>8) The first computer mouse was a huge wooden box
</span><span>9) The first computer weighed several tons, worked very slowly and took up a lot of space.
</span>10) First TV's had only one channel which worked for only </span><span>2 or 3 specified hours.</span></span>
1 Принц и нищий. (Марк Твен)
2 Путешествие Гуливера (Джонатан Свифт)
3 Приключения Алисы в стране чудес. (Льюис Кэрол)
4 Книга джунглей (Редъярд Киплинг)
5 Король Артур и рыцари круглого стола (Легенды)