Ответ: Нету такого слова liking.
1дети не должны ходить в школу по воскресеньям, неправда ли?
2вы пробудете у нас немного дольше?
3ты не должен уходить пока я не вернусь
4эти студенты всегда вовремя на занятиях
Разведка и колонизация Канады (1534-1756<span>)</span>
1. Get to know the people who work —d)with-— you: introduce yourself to them.
2. Many consumers want to buy food produced —c) in -— a traditional way.
3. She”s never worked —-b) near---a difficult person before.
4. When she travels all day, she can”t sleep---a)at — night.
Last year I took part in the autumn festival.
Many cars took part in the race.
They took part in the anti-war demonstration.