1. Moscow University is founded by Lomonosov. 2. These trees were planted last autumn. 3. His new book will be finished next year. 4. We call Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation. 5. He <u>spek</u> (что за слово?) может speaks very highly of the doctor. 6. This text was translated at the last lesson. 7. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets. 8. The letter was received yesterday.
доска объявлений
2) they
3) Red
6) Run
7) Jump
9) fish
12) drink
13) Milk
Номер 2: 3)There's a big cinema 4)There are bad peoples 5) There are stupid teachers 6) There are a many rats and crows
номер 4: 2) There are eight fingers l have
3) There are fifteen bad marks I have
4) There are twenty-six minutes ego I eat eyes my enemies
5) There are fifty ego I watched film about three severed fingers
6) There are thirty minutes ego I'm say my friend "Eleazar" what he a bad and big bat