I do not love my country. I don't want to live in it because was tired of constant malice, lying, trembling before the authorities. Sick of it all, from the janitors to the Mayor of the city, full of guilt dumped in open areas, the Government, and as soon as the Government appears ready to fall to his knees in front of him. I graduated from grade 11, and starting with the 5-th told me that without higher education I am nothing and nothing too high. Only people with higher education can live almost in poverty. In other countries, after the school people-rich employee, and pay him twice (Yes, 16-18 years) than in Russia have a Manager or a lawyer. I know what I am talking about, as my close friend with the whole family 3 years ago moved to the United States and absolutely does not regret about it. She also graduated from the school this year, and she has her job (where she works on 5:0 and gets more than my dad, 12:0). In our country we learn to 11 years at the school, 5 years in high school textbooks and programmes on obsolete, and then go work for nothing. Much of that "free" actually paid everywhere take bribes and "power with" have no case to ordinary citizens. I do not owe Russia. My family and I have done everything required to as citizens. For many years we pay taxes, huge prices on PUBLIC UTILITIES take bezropotnye sheep, my dad is not otkašival from the army and my younger brother is also going to serve in the army. I graduated from high school and studied in good faith, and, in fact, I never even a piece of paper on the tarmac Keanu. and what did I see? Zagaženy Street, dirt everywhere, no one is in order, and if the "power" is coming to our town, local officials cover their eyes, and we are told to shut their mouths and sit quietly. I have no patriotic feelings, and the only thing that keeps me here is my family and my church, who will not be able to leave Russia with me. I wish I was paying taxes, for example, the Government of the United States, which they would build the normal roads, schools and kindergartens. I regret my childhood in Russia, I regret that my youth passes here. I have three friends of the family, who moved to United States, one in Britain, nobody is going to come back. I would be better served in the United States than in Russia, the saleswoman teacher, doctor, lawyer, etc. Let some believe me predatel′nicej-I do not care. And I repeat that I do not owe Russia. It's not Home. I completely agree with lines of Lermontov Mu: Farewell unwashed Russia, a country of slaves, the country gentlemen,
Мне сказали, чтобы я начал собираться в дорогу.
Вчера рассказывали, будто перед этим он выпил целый бочонок вина.
Ко мне подошла женщина и спросила, где находиться ближайшая аптека.
Тогда он сказал, что вернуться через час.
Она попросила, чтобы я зашла к ней вечером.
Я окликнул его и спросил, не заблудиться ли он.
Учительница нас каждый урок спрашивает, какое сегодня число.
Мама попросила меня, не задерживаться сегодня после уроков, мы должны пойди ко врачу.
Сегодня я предложила подруге зайти после школы в магазин.
Я подумала, какой сегодня замечательный день.
1. can
2. can, can not
3. там не стоит пропуск, но перед финишь можно поставить must, а то моджет ты пропустил
4. can
5. must, can
Дай много баллов
2) is waiting
3) are playing
4) he is lieing
5) they are having
6) She is sitting
2) is cooking
3) are standing
4) is swimming
5) are staying
6) is having
7) are building
8) am going
3) She's sitting on the flour
4) She's reading a book
5) She's playing the piano
6) She's laughing
7) She's wearing a hat
8) She's writing a letter
3) I am sitting on a chair. or. I am not sitting on a chair
4) I am eating. or. I am not eating
5) It is raining. or. It isn't raining
1. What was your last day at school like?
2. How does he find his teachers?
3. What are your new friends like?
4. How do they find the swimming pool?