Сочинение на тему "My daily routine" 20-25 предложений. Школа начинается в 8, заканчивается в час. Встаю в 7. Секция баскетбол,
Сочинение на тему "My daily routine" 20-25 предложений. Школа начинается в 8, заканчивается в час. Встаю в 7. Секция баскетбол, начинается в 7. Сочинение не с интернета!
Must wake up early in 6 hr. 30 min. - 7 h 00 min.. After waking up not linger long in bed. Perform morning exercises. Not bad pre-run in the open air for 10 - 15 minutes. Shower should be taken necessarily, gradually lowering the temperature of the water. After a shower, you need to rub oneself a rough towel to light redness of the skin. Rinse mouth, wash your ears, put on clean clothes and, of course, clean socks that need to be changed or washed before going to bed every day. Breakfast should be tight. After breakfast, carefully brush your teeth. In school it is necessary to walk in any weather. After all, modern man so lacking in exercise. Then the school, which are regulated. Time to return home to use for more walks. When I got home, I have dinner and a good rest. Now you can begin to prepare lessons. I do not forget every hour classes take a break for 10 to 15 minutes with the implementation of complex exercises. Now dinner. And then free time. You can go to a movie, take a walk with friends, help their parents, go to the store, do what he likes. Things will always be. Finally, the last. It is necessary to prepare all the next day, take a shower and go to bed.
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