In my free time i prefer reading books and watching movies. Therefore my favourite film is "The Hobbit". This film was shooted by Peter Jackdon. Peter made it according to the book "The Hobbit or There and Back Again". This film is about one usual Hobbit who liked to stay at home. However, thirst for adventures made him to be brave and help his friends.
One day a group of gnomes asked the main hero to help them to save their kingdom in the mountain, because hobbits were famous as the most quit and most slick in the world. Firstly, the Hobbit did not want to help them because he was a coward and did not like leave his cosy house, but then he changed his mind and went hiking with gnomes.
I like this film because it is very interesting and breathtaken. I can watch it again and again.
В свое свободное время я люблю читать книги и смотреть фильмы. Поэтому мой любимый фильм "Хоббит". Этот фильм снял Питер Джэксон по книге "Хоббит или туда и обратно". Этот фильм про самого обычного Хоббита, который любил сидеть дома. Однако тяга к приключениям заставила его стать смелым и отправиться помогать друзьям.
Однажды компания гномов попросила главного героя помочь им спасти их королевство в горе, потому что именно хоббиты были известы как самые тихие и ловкие в мире. Сначала хоббит не захотел помогать гномам, так как он был трусливый и не любил покидать свой уютный дом, но потом он одумался и отправился в поход с гномами.
Я люблю этот фильм потому что он интересный и захватывающий. Я бы пересматривал его снова и снова!
We can't see the time, but with his help, we measure our lives. It turns out that time exists, although it cannot be touched.
Also it can stretch or compress to speed up on their own. But sometimes it seems that time goes by so slowly! For example, when waiting for the end of the lesson. A fun day full of entertainment, goes by so fast! So I find it hard to believe that hours and minutes are always the same.
It is believed that we can't manage time. For example, I can't go back to yesterday and to answer the last lesson better than I already answered. Or go to the middle ages and mingle there with the knights. That era is in the past.
But anyway, I can manipulate time, at least partially. You can plan your Affairs and get everything you need. You can spend your time useful: in studies, sports, reading books and other important lessons. But you can spend it in vain. People often complain that they do not have time, and spend it on gossip, empty entertainment. Someone looks on TV all in a row, and someone every day with his head immersed in a computer game.
But all people feel the value of minutes and seconds when, for example, waiting for an Ambulance caused to the patient. Or when on the scene of the fire rush to the emergency situations Ministry. People also appreciate the time the train is late, does not have time to do something. Sometimes miss a single minute! If I could take this moment, who would have spent for nothing! And pass on to those in need! But, unfortunately, it does not happen.
<span>Therefore, we all must keep in mind the value of time. Every moment is given to us only once. Wasting time will not return, it again will not live. Therefore, the time necessary to keep and spend only on what makes sense.</span>
Это дорожные знаки и означают следующее. ПУШ - следует выйти из машины и толкать своё ТС перед собой на этом участке дороги. Знак ПУЛ - выйти из машины и тянуть её за собой за тросс.
Я его сдавал и скажу тебе просто надо написать на английском и не париться за русский ты сильно потеряешь времени
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