The Internet today is an important source of communication and it plays an important role in the life of almost every person. It brings people of the world closer together. The Internet makes the world smaller because through the Internet we can communicate with people from all over the world. People are so fond of computers and the Internet, that sometimes they forget to go for a walk or to eat something. Most of them like virtual life even more than the real one. People meet one another in the Internet, fall in love and even love. They don’t mind your appearance, they love you as you are, your thoughts and manners. You can find virtual true friends in the Internet world. You can tell him/her all secrets you have and they will not gossip or laugh at you. The Internet resources help people get latest news, improve knowledge by providing access online libraries. The Internet is the center of attention for businesses, governments and individuals around the world. It has spawned entirely new industries, transformed existing ones and become a global cultural phenomenon. Communicating through the Internet gives the opportunity to know people of other nations and to find out their culture, to make comparisons between regions and even to learn new things from that communication.
To my mind, life without the Internet would be dull, but still first of all we should live a real life.
Дружба - очень важная составляющая жизни человека. Никакие блага не заменят друга, который сможет поддержать в любую минуту, побыть рядом, когда очень нужно. Друг всегда поможет забыть неблагоприятные моменты в твоей жизни. Он дополняет те качества, которых нет у тебя. Именно поэтому хорошо иметь друзей, вы всегда дополняете друг друга и помогаете. И никакие деньги не поддержат тебя в трудную минуты, никакие компьютерные игры не помогут решить тебе серьезные проблемы. Друзья как дополнение тебя.
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7. Kate's father is a doctor
8. Why is the baby crying
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