Напишите внизу слова с исправленными ошибками (перевод)
1) ... his name
2) ... sport
3) ... that she didn't believe me
4) ... meet her
5) ... the news
6) The story ...
7) ... you are fine.
1. This chair is broken. Give me that chair, please.
2. There are three boys on the field. The boys are playing football.
3. I have a new bag. The bag is white and red.
4. Our classroom is large and sunny.
5. We had a test yesterday. The test was long and difficult.
6. Laura has two sons and one daughter. Her daughter goes to school. The boys go to kindergarden.
7. I have never been to London.
8. In summer I am going to Crimea.
9. I have got a letter from my friend yesterday. The letter was long.
10.Roses are beautiful.
11.This is a difficult word. I have to look it up in a dictionary.
Book lung - Книга легких;
Silk glands - Шелковые железы;
Poison gland - Ядовитая железа;
Malpighian - tubules - Мальпигианские трубочки;
Digestive glands - Пищеварительные железы;
Chelicera - хелицеры;
Heart - Cердце;
Brain - Сердце
Eye - глаз;
Intestine - кишка;
Playing, washing, going, talking, swimming