Мини сочинение на тему:" с кем бы вы путешествовали?" Все любят путешествовать. И чаще всего спутники этих походов являются друзья или семья.
Я предпочитаю путешествовать с семьёй.
Так как это сплочает, сближает семью.
. У нас даже есть такая традиция. Каждое лето в июле мы собираемся идти в лес. Помогаем животным, собираем плоды.
Особенно наша семья обожает сидеть в кругу перед костром и петь песню.
После таких путешествий у нас всегда есть что вспомнить и что показать фотографии.
Monday, the fifth of September
1. He wantED to impress her parents as he HAD not met them before.
2. Mother TOLD that she WAS PLANNING fish soup and a chocolate mousse for dinner.
3. His brother WAS taken to hospital because he HAD HAD an accident,
4. When we arriveD, mother HAD GONE into the kitchen to do the last preparations for the meal.
5. Mary BROUGHT him a glass of water as he HAD ASKED her about it,
6. When David ENTERED the kitchen, he SAW that his cat WAS EATING.
7. Jenny TOLD her mother that she HAD WATERED the fLowers,
8. We wantED to know which way they HAD choseN.
9. She WAS afraid that they HADN'T TOLD the police the truth.
<span>10. They KNEW that he HAD already starTED his work for our firm,</span>
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1) When I was in Great Britain, I often understood what English people
were saying. 2) I know Bob understood my question yesterday. 3) They
don’t understand Italian. 4) Do you think Tom understands what he is
doing? 5) Tanya spoke some English and she understood a lot.