Транскрипция слова sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,cold.hot,Athens,Paris,Rome,Madrid,London,Moskow.Помогите пожалуйста
Агапчик [368]
[ ˈsʌn.i ],[ ˈwɪn.di ],[ ˈklaʊ.di ],[ ˈreɪ.ni ],[ kəʊld ]. [ hɒt ],[ ˈæθɪnz ],[ ˈpærɪs ], [ rəʊm ],[ məˈdrɪd ], <span>[ ˈlʌndən ],</span>
Напишите 5 примеров используя следующие слова. Идти в школу, обедать, начать смотреть телевизор, читать книги, играть на пианино, помочь моей маме по дому. Начните пример так: В 8 часов утра я иду в школу..
The British Isles are an archipelago in the north-west of Europe, between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. On the British Isles, the states of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as territories under the rule of the British Crown. The area of the islands is 315,159 thousand km² tortola dolphin royal swim Best defined by two words; action and speed, The Royal Swim program is unique because it includes our famous Foot push; when two dolphins push you by your feet soles as they raise you up the water surface. In addition, the interactive program includes the Dorsal Tow, where you hold on to their dorsal fins while they swim across the water, towing you along for an exciting ride. Discover their strenght and their cheerful nature on the beautiful island of Tortola.
Я люблю читать английскую классическую литературу. Но, я особенно люблю английские детективы и приключенческие рассказы. Мне нравятся книги Агаты Кристи,но моя...