Перевод:1)what it usually does in the evenings? - She makes a dinner, watches TV and to go to bed.<span>2)I know nothing about this problem.3)where you stopped when was in London? - I lived in hotel.
Примерно так: сегодня жарко, надень шапку
<span>Medicine - первая буква i и последняя буква е - [ˈmedsɪn]
Comb - последняя буква d - [kəʊm]
Kitchen - буква t - [ˈkɪʧɪn</span>]
Whale - буквы h и буква е - </span>[weɪl]
1) Akhat has a job in Astana . 2) Jack doesn’t like hard work. 3 Max doesn’t have a job. He’s out of work. 4) Damira is very hardworking — she has a full-time job.
Begin Began Begun
Draw Drew Drawn
Be Was.Were been
become became become
Drink Drank Drunk
See Saw Seen
burn Burnt burnt
eat ate eaten
read read read
choose chose chosen
spend spent spent
meet met met
have had had
swim swam swum
wake woke woken