My two friends and me were in the forest near camping site. It was amazing and exciting travel for us. We were exploring the area at the time. What could be better and more interesting for us at that moment?The first we walked into cave and found treasure map. It was fantastic! We were quite pleased and decided to go to look for treasure. At last, we reached spot where was treasure.We found old box with jewellery in it. We were surprised. My friends suggested me being honest and took it to the police.In the end, I was agree and we brought it there. They returned it to the owner and we got $300 reward.We never expected to get so much money! It was really surpise for us!<span>We were proud of ourselves and pretty happy. </span>
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Это важно иметь все современные удобства в твоей квартире. Там, где я жил летом, не было таких современных удобств. Есть ли у вашей бабушки какие-то современные удобства в её доме за городом?
Самые обычные удобства это: центральное отопление, электричество, газ, горячая и холодная вода.
Моя младшая сестра любит переключаться свет(включать/выключать).
Её старший брат всегда моет ковры вакуумным чистельщиком.
Включена ли ваша стиральная машинка? Центральное отопление обычно выключается на лето. Вакуумный чистильщик, который я хотел купить был очень дорогим. Электричество освещает наши дома. Вода бежит. Выключите! Включите вакуумный чистильщик, пожалуйста. Я бы хотел почистить мебель. Включен холодильник? Если нет, включите, пожалуйста!
1-a, 2-c 3-a, 4-b,5-c,6-a 7-b,8-a,9-b 10-a 11-c
Uniform- is the firsp part of impotrant work everywere. If uyo work at the big firm ? there are you will wear the uniform / Such in sckool ? for good work we must wear special suit/ But another nquestion about appireance of this costume. Because we are forced to wear their unifrm . And nobody ask us if we like it or not.
So I think that it is important to wear scool unifrom but suck uniform what we like