I like playing the football . I play football every day . I like reading the book my favorite book kolobok . Столько хватит ?
1) Do you know that Ms.Culle is the head teacher of the scholl? общий 2) Why are parents also involved and are invited in to my scholl dinners? специальный 3)Are pupils also encourage to find out more about where their food comes or learning about farming? альтернативный 4)We are happy that we win this award, aren't we? разделительный 5)Who was the head teacher of the school? специальный
Like all the best beginnings, this one starts with Pooh, who has woken up with a start in the middle of the night. He has been woken up by a noise, so he gets up just to check on his honey, and all is fine, so he goes back to bed again. But there's the noise again, so Pooh asks the noise if it is Piglet or Christopher Robin or Eeyore, but there is no answer, so Pooh tries to get back to sleep.But there it is again! It's a kind ofWorraworraworraworraworra noise, which doesn't sound like something Piglet or Christopher Robin or Eeyore would say, but Pooh is sleepy so that probably explains his confusion. And now he has heard the noise again he realises that it is not a usual noise, and in fact it is something he has never heard in the forest before, which must mean that there is a Strange Animal outside his house!<span>So Pooh rather bravely gets up and opens his front door so that he can tell the Strange Animal to pipe down please. And the Strange Animal is sitting right there, so Pooh says "Hallo!", and the animal says "Hallo!" back. Pooh is so startled that all he can think of to say is "Hallo!" again, and then the animal says "Hallo!" again too, and then Pooh is still rather stunned, so he says "Hallo!" for a third time, and the animal says "Hallo!" back for a third time, while wondering how long they are going to "Hallo!" for.
Фигурное катание это замечательный вид спорта, которым занимаются многие люди! Мне этот вид спорта очень нравится. Эти плавные движения рук и ног, эти яркие костюмы , этот звук шороха коньков по льду... они просто завораживают!Интересно наблюдать за людьми, которые танцуют на коньках, они словно маленькие человечки, которые заточены в коробченке , и им уже не выбраться! Грациозность и смелость , вот что придает танцу на коньках такой восхитительный состав!Мне очень нравится этот вид спорта, он невероятен! Прекрасен, и передает незабываемые ощущения! Сама жен я умею кататься на коньках, я стремлюсь к тому, чтобы научиться кататься на них еще лучше, советую и вам ощутить это чувство восхищения!