1 While
2 When
3 When
4 While
5 When
Doctor said: "what happend?"- i am never have a cold and another ill,but now my tooth is so bad...doctor:"may I see ?"-oh sure! it is not a terrible only: DON'T EAT A LOT OF SWEETS).oh sure said Mr.Brown and went to the (a) home.
надеюсь нормально,подукрась немного...
1)There; it
2)There; it
3)There; it
4)There; it
5)There; it
6)There; it; it
7)There; it
8)There; it; it; it
9)There; it
10)There; it
11)There; it
12)There; it
13)It; There
1 takes
2 will take
3 has taken
4 took
5 didn't take
6 won’t take
7 doesn't take
8 does
9 did
10 has
Составе предложения желательно 7,8,9 составить из слов Children will Visit, clean up, pick up, water, collect, rake, sweep, do,
ангелина 34
Vocabulary. How can children help people in the neighbourhood? Match the columns.