1) Sue has got a clever dog.
2) My relatives have got six rooms.
3) We have got two small tables in the room.
4) That boy has got a very good horse.
5) My grandparents have got a big garden.
6) His friends have got two funny monkeys.
7) Her grandmother has got five grey ducks.
8) The duck has got ten yellow ducklings.
9) You have got a black puppy.
Украшение салата.
Чаще всего салаты украшают петрушкой.Возможные украшения для салатов:
-рубленная зелень
-кусочки или дольки лимона
-варёные яйца,порезанные на кусочки
-кусочки помидоров
-порезанный редис
-ломтики сельдерея
-очищенные и порезанные на кусочки огурцы
Возможные украшения для фруктовых салатов:
-клубника(целая или порезанная кусочками)
-измельчённые орехи
-листья мяты
Другие популярные ингредиенты для салатов:сельдерей,огурец,помидор,грибы,морковь,капуста,лук,зелёный лук,картофель,оливки,макароны,рис,свёкла и фрукты.
<span>In 1655 John Wallis publishes a large treatise On conic writings, where there is invented символ.Считается so that a character has more ancient origins, it is associated with parting-snake biting its tail. In addition, these symbols were found among Tibetan rock engravings. Looks like this character?</span><span>
так пойдет?)</span>
1) <span>Present simple tense: </span>
<span>I, you, we, they </span>have
<span>He, she, it </span><span>has</span>
1) Jane usually wears jeans and t shirt to school
2) Does he go to school by bus
He goes to school by bus or by train?
How does he go to school?
2/2 When did my mother go to London?
Where did my mother go?
Who has gone to London?
3. The Italians like spaghetti.
4.Are those girls your sisters?
5. This book is more interesting one.