1)Маленкий - little (ант. big)
занятой - <span>busy ( free)
сухой - dry ( wet)
плохой- bad (good)
холодный- cold (warm)
шикарный- </span><span>luxury- chic (</span><span>terrible-awful)
2) Difficult - more difficult - the most difficult ;
Strong- stronger - the strongest ;
Bad- worse - the worst ;
Wet- wetter - the wettest ;
Dirty- dirtier - the dirtiest ;
Generous- more generous - the most generous
3) Вместо точек...
1. the most intelligent
2. </span><span>more talented</span>
3. talkative
4. fatter
5. more expensive
6. better
The rain has stopped...
I always help...
I have never seen...
We watch news...