В сумке находится-cat......
1. Each region of the United States has its own specific features due to differences in climate, nature and geographical location.
2. The land is fertile and well irrigated.
3. They grow mainly corn and wheat
4. Also bred a lot of cattle
5. Large areas are occupied here by orchards
6. California fruits and vegetables are exported to other States and countries
7. A large part of the territory is a plain with many farms and small towns
8. The business part of the city is a cluster of giant skyscrapers
1) don't stay at home - не залишайтеся вдома;
2) you can listen the famous pop groups - Ви можете слухати відомі поп-групи;
3) millions of tourists come in london every year - мільйони туристів приїжджають в Лондон щороку;
4) go to the Trafalgar square - пройти до Трафагаьської площі;
5) walk in Buckingham palace - ходити в Букінгемському палаці;
6) the Queen lives in palace - Королева живе у палаці;
7) look on the old object and the cool clothes - подивіться на старий предмет і прохолодний одяг;
8) they go in the streets of London - вони йдуть по вулицях Лондона
The second of July, the eleventh of March, the twenty seventh of April, the fifteenth of August, the twenty first of December