Украшение салата.
Чаще всего салаты украшают петрушкой.Возможные украшения для салатов:
-рубленная зелень
-кусочки или дольки лимона
-варёные яйца,порезанные на кусочки
-кусочки помидоров
-порезанный редис
-ломтики сельдерея
-очищенные и порезанные на кусочки огурцы
Возможные украшения для фруктовых салатов:
-клубника(целая или порезанная кусочками)
-измельчённые орехи
-листья мяты
Другие популярные ингредиенты для салатов:сельдерей,огурец,помидор,грибы,морковь,капуста,лук,зелёный лук,картофель,оливки,макароны,рис,свёкла и фрукты.
Bedroom (из этого слова можно образовать ещё два слова Bed, Room)
<span>Why ARE you smiliNG?I HAVE no homework today</span>
I live in a small cozy apartment. The apartment in which I live together with their parents is quite large. Our apartment consists of a hallway, bedroom Mom and Dad, a large room, where there is a TV set, and my children's room. Our hall is quite large, the left is a large closet on which we hang our jackets.If you will walk a little further you will see a large room, where there is our new television, it stands on a high pedestal and control lies with him. In the same room access to the spacious balcony, where you can sometimes go outside and get some fresh air without leaving the house, where you can just sit and read an interesting book or watch the beautiful view of the city, especially from our balcony can be seen and a beautiful new bridge . The view from our balcony is beautiful. If you turn right, you will see our kitchen is our table, where we dine, microwave and multivarka here, and this electric stove, her mother prepares us different goodies. Here and washing dirty dishes, utensils Now it does not, it is washed and neatly folded in the locker designed just for her. This is the parents' bedroom, and next to my room, there is a table on which I do my homework at the same table is a computer mouse and keyboard, the keyboard can be easily removed so as not to interfere on the table, with a special pull-out shelves. After school and homework, I love to play different games, listen to your favorite music, or simply chat with friends on the Internet.Here is my bed, now it has been removed and is waiting for the evening when I go to sleep buried in a soft pillow next to her stands a bedside table, a bedside table on my trusty alarm clock, it regularly raises me for several years in the school. I love my apartment. Because I have a lot of associated with it.
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