1 relaxing
2 attractions
3 happy
4 easily
5 cloudy
6 luckily
When does Christmas father work hard?
<span>1. I enjoy the most thrilling__ rides at the fun fair.
2. I like to take part in debates or discussions__.
3. Music plays a significant__ role in my life.
4. I can multiply measurements__ in my head easily.
5. I'd rather draw a diagram than give someone verbal__ instructions__.
6. I make frequent reference__ to things that I've heard or read.
7. I find music that is out of tune very annoying__.
8. I am sensitive__ to other peoples' feel.
9. I play at least one sport or do a physical__ activities__ regularly
10. I have a good sense of direction__.
11. I find new scientific__ development__ interesting__.
12. I have several close personal__ friends.
2. Has it rained today? – Yes, it has. No, it has not.
3. Have you done this exercise
before? – Yes, I have. No, I have not.
4. Has life got better for people?
– Yes, it has. No, it has not.
5. Have the world’s temperatures risen? – Yes, it has. No, it has not.
6. Has the price of petrol gone
up? – Yes, it has. No, it has not.
7. Have you seen the play at the theatre? – Yes, I have. No, I have not.
8. Has the football season begun? – Yes, it has. No, it has not.