Atom is to serve mankind.
to be to - должен.эквивалент must.
1. What's Coca-Cola? (спец. вопрос)
2. Did Pemberton or Edison invent this drink? (альтерн.)
3. <span>The first customers paid 5 cents a glass, didn't they? (разделит.)
4. Did the </span><span>first advertisement for the drink appear in the Atlanta Journal? (общий)
5. What </span><span>made the trademark universally recognized? (вопрос к подлеж.)
Го вент
райд роод
си соу
хэв хэд
кам кейм
дроу дрю
мейк мейд
ит эйт
дринк дранк
синг сэнг санг
лив лэфт
бай бот
дпйв дайвд (даув)
рид ред (ред)
There is a cat on the backyard.
Yes, there is.
There are children at school hall
No, there aren't.
There are no people I would know.
There is no money in my pockets
Cousin, nephew, niece,uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin.