They were having a party when the doorbell rang. Peter opened the door and an angry policeman entered the room. Mary and George were dancing while the music was playing loud. Bob and Ben were drinking Coke while Kristi was eating sandwiches. Ted and Steve sang. Alex was cleaning while dog was barking. James was sleeping on the sofa while Sheila was trying wake him up. Edward and Lucy laughed. Susan brought the coffee. Chris left the party while Paula was crying because not wanted him to leave.
On weekdays I set an alarm for quarter to eight but I get up at half past seven. I need about ten minutes to wash and get dressed, and then I go downstairs to eat Breakfast. Usually for Breakfast I drink a Cup of tea and eating toast with jam. Then I quickly collected the books and meet with each other on a street corner at eight o'clock in ten minutes. At twenty minutes past eight we are already at school, and we can chat with friends for twenty minutes before we have to go to classes twenty minutes to nine. At nine o'clock — the beginning of the lessons. They last for forty-five minutes, but at eleven o'clock we have Breakfast for twenty minutes and then we have one more lesson before lunch. In 20 12 we have a break for snack and we usually sit in the dining room with friends and eat sandwiches brought from home, a few of us here take afternoon tea in the dining room. If the weather is nice we sit on the Playground and eat there. Then we have two lessons until half past three, and then it's time to go home. After a tiring day at school, I relax, chatting with my mom about how was your day, while preparing lunch. After lunch I begin to do my homework. I always need something to do: read the book, make exercises, write an essay or prepare for the test. By nine o'clock I'm always trying to finish homework, to relax and chat with my family and watch TV. Then I go to bed at half past ten, to Wake up full of energy the next morning.
1. have known 2.were 3. <span>always shared 4. also enjoed 5.spent 6. lived 7. moved 8. visited 9.just bought 10. didn`t see</span>
I started drawing when I was a kid. Mom and Dad often gave me the pens in different colors, crayons and beautiful, snow-white drawing paper. I liked to portray on a sheet of something beautiful, plants, animals, and sometimes humans. So I often do myself cards for mom and dad.
Я начал рисовать, когда был еще маленьким. Мама с папой очень часто дарили мне фломастеры самых разных цветов, цветные карандаши и красивую, белоснежную бумагу для рисования. Мне нравилось изображать на чистом листе что-нибудь красивое, растения, животных, иногда людей. Поэтому я нередко сам делал открытки для мамы и папы.
1-Jason isn’t coming with us tonight - потому что есть tonight, то есть действие происходит сегодня
2-what do you do in your free time - спрашивается, что ты делаешь обычно,значит можно поставить usually
3-we usually meet in the library at 3 o'clock - опять же usually
4-Greg is learning to play chess today - действие происходит сегодня
5-Does Mary speak French well? - здесь я точно не знаю, но должно быть так
6-I don’t often go skiing - из-за often
7-It is raining at the moment - дествие происходит сейчас
8-You always lose your keys! - из-за always
9-My father plays chess every afternoon. - из-за every, повторяющееся действие<span>