With at bear buck three thanks fat any
Подлежащее - witch
Перевод: Ведьма живет в лесу.
Вопрос : Who lives in the forest? - Кто живет в лесу?
1have you read....?no,I have just begun it.
2will have stopped
3had read
4had worked
5haven't seen.have heard
6came.mother had already cooked...
7will have learnt
8it is snowing!(здесь надо present continuous)
9haven't discussed
10had published
11had written
12...he has just gone out
13had had dinner
14will have discussed
15I have never visited that place
1. It was cold yesterday. I hope that tomorrow will be warmer.
2. It is important to have a good education to get a paying job.
3. You will be hard to pass all the exams and tests, if you miss any classes.
4. At present, specialists need to have computer skills.
5. Students were interested to participate in this competition.
6. It would be nice to receive an increased grant.
7. This work was difficult to perform in such a short time.
8. We need to pass the course work in time.
9. You must attend all classes, it is good to take exams.
<span>10. It is important not to late for class, and arrive on time.</span>
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Этот праздник состоится в (время) (число) (место)
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До встречи на суппер мего вечиринке моя Днюха
С уважением (имя)