If his parachute opened, he would landed quite safely.
If there hadn’t been a haystack below, he would be very worried.
If someone hadn't put the pitchfork in the haystack, it would be a great place to land.
If he hadn't missed pitchfork, he would hurt himself
If he had landed on the haystack, he wouldn't break his leg
This is a builder. Это строитель.
I am not a teacher. Я не учитель.
Все это неправильные глаголы,а точнее их 3 формы.Проще всего перевод найти в таблице неправильных глаголов.
<span>feed- fed -fed - <span>кормить
</span></span><span>get - got - got - <span>получать, добираться
</span></span><span>grow- grew- grow - n<span>расти, вырастать
</span></span><span>hear-heard- heard - <span>слышать, услышать
</span></span><span>know-knew-known- <span>знать, иметь представление