2Why do British celebrate"Bonfire Night"on5th November.
3What do people in Russia do on New Year Eve?
1 и 3 тексты очень плохое качество, не разобрать.
2. Что есть в ледяном отеле?
Посетите Швецию и насладитесь остановкой/пребыванием в самом большом ледяном отеле в мире. Он сделан более чем из 6,000 квадратный фут льда и снега. Средняя температура - 17 градусов по Фаренгейту. Как гости здесь выживают? Они спят в специальных спальных мешках на кровати построенной из снега и льда, на оленьей шкуре. Чашку горячего клюквенного сока им приносят по утрам.
1. In my neighborhood there is a park in what you can walk with your dog or hang out with a friend. There're huge trees and tight bushes all around. Beautiful benches are used for people to be comfortable to sit when they got tired and want to rest.
2. In my neighborhood there's a huge attraction park. You can have a ride on a lot of attractions and have fun with friends making selfies.
3. City has immense buildings and huge population. Also there're a lot of malls and supermarkets around streets. Town has a little smaller population and not a lot of malls.
4. Rural area is area for farmers. It doesn't have big population or infrastructure, but has a lot of land for using. All farmers living in rural areas. Urban area is area on what located all cities. It has high buildings and huge population. Also people living not in their houses, but in apartments.
5. I think that it depends on kind of personality. But all people that want to make big money living in urban areas. Because in cities there're much more job opportunities than in rural area.
I like to go for a walk in the park with my friend Ann.
I like to pick berries and mushrooms with my grandmother.
I like to go skiing in the winter hollidays.
I like to play outdoor games with friends on weekends and hollidays.
I like to sing songs with friends around a campfire on the summer hollidays.
I like to read book in a comfortable armchair in the evening.
I like to admire the rising sun with cup of tea.
I like to work in the garden with my mother and sister.
I like to lie in the sun on the grass.
I like to ride a bicycle in the park.